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Hine Language

Hine Language

Our Deaf Adoption Journey

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Fast Adoption

March 15, 2011

Today our church began one of two days of fasting. Our focus is on adoption and orphan care. It’s such a privilege to share in this process with a church family, especially one that has adopted our family so graciously.

When I think of all that goes in to rearing kids, I can’t help but focus on all of the effort that other people have put into my kids. Admittedly, Lauri is much kinder and sweeter than I am, but there’s no doubt that our girls have learned so many wonderful traits from others. Our extended family, our church family in Simpsonville, SC, and our church family here have invested in my children sometimes more than I have. Our son will require a different amount of investment since he will speak in a language many of us don’t know. I’ve been so impressed that these people have never let a special need lessen the effort that they are willing to put in. I’m certain our son will benefit in the same way our daughters have. I’m really excited for him to see how great being adopted into a church family will be.

That being said, I may starve to death. If I do not, at 8:00 pm I will eat like I’ve never eaten before.

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